
Започва търсенето на нов градски прокурор на София Започва търсенето на нов градски прокурор на София

Turkish citizen

Message board for English speakers

Една приятелка има нужда от съвет, моля дайте малко инфо...

Мнениеот deniseferinova » 30 Сеп 2013, 13:56

1- My mother in law is turkish, was born in Bulgaria, and her mom is died now. But her mom’s marriage certificate tells that my mother in law was born in Bulgaria.

2- What should we do to be able to get Bulgarian Passport and citizenship for my husband, myself and our daughter?

3- How much does it cost to get that passport and citizenships?

4- And how long does it cost to be able to get all those applications done?

5- How many days we should stay in Bulgaria to be able to get all those permissions?

6- When is the most suitable days to be there?

7- Do we have to find a lawyer?

Thank you!
Младши потребител
Мнения: 10
Регистриран на: 07 Юни 2013, 10:27

Re: Една приятелка има нужда от съвет, моля дайте малко инфо

Мнениеот rts » 30 Сеп 2013, 14:26

В този форум се пише на български. Освен това, очевидно е, че питащата владее прекрасно български.
Към питащата: обяснете на Вашата приятелка, че адвокат не е задължителен, но видно от въпросите й е необходим и нека отнесе всичките си питания към адвокат, занимаващ се с пребиваване и гражданство.
Активен потребител
Мнения: 1407
Регистриран на: 29 Ное 2005, 17:02

Re: Една приятелка има нужда от съвет, моля дайте малко инфо

Мнениеот borovinka » 01 Окт 2013, 18:06

deniseferinova написа:1- My mother in law is turkish, was born in Bulgaria, and her mom has died now. But her mom’s marriage certificate tells that my mother in law was born in Bulgaria.

2- What should we do to be able to get Bulgarian Passport and citizenship for my husband, myself and our daughter? - First, read the Law for Foreign Citizens in Republic of Bulgaria and the Law for Bulgarian personal identification documents - all your questions will be clarified immediately.

3- How much does it cost to get that passport and citizenships? - It depends on the cause for citizenship application. There' s a Tariff in the Bulgarian Ministry of Inferior where all these taxes are clarified.

4- And how long does it cost to be able to get all those applications done? - Depends on how fast you can obtain all the documents needed from your side to prove your state of origin. The application itself takes no more than a day to be filled-in and submitted.

5- How many days we should stay in Bulgaria to be able to get all those permissions? - You can always give power of attorney to Bulgarian lawyer, working in the matters of citizenship and migration.

6- When is the most suitable days to be there? - Depends on you.

7- Do we have to find a lawyer? - Regarding all you've said and asked above, I strongly suggest that you find a lawyer, fluent in the matters of citizenship and migration and also fluent in either English or Turkish

Thank you!
You're welcomed.

Темата е за преместване в англоговорящия раздел - след като питащата се прави на много запозната с езиците, нека си прочете отговора там.
Veritatem dies aperit
Активен потребител
Мнения: 1515
Регистриран на: 18 Авг 2011, 14:41
Местоположение: Lawrence, KZ

Re: Turkish citizen

Мнениеот deniseferinova » 02 Окт 2013, 13:27

Благодаря :)
Младши потребител
Мнения: 10
Регистриран на: 07 Юни 2013, 10:27

Re: Turkish citizen

Мнениеот krasenmarkov » 27 Мар 2014, 15:50

Има ли го на български да го принтирам на един приятел? :)
Krasen Markov
Нов потребител
Мнения: 7
Регистриран на: 27 Мар 2014, 15:21

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